Lua Scripting Tutorial - 12

Roblox Lua Scripting Tutorial - Episode 12: Building a Basic Obby (Parkour) Game

by ReauofinveFb

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Roblox Lua Scripting Tutorial - Episode 12: Building a Basic Obby (Parkour) Game

Welcome to the twelfth episode of our Roblox Lua scripting tutorial series! In this episode, we'll build a basic obstacle course (obby) game from scratch. Obby games are a popular genre on Roblox, where players navigate through a series of challenging obstacles.


Before we begin, make sure you have a basic understanding of scripting in Roblox Lua and have completed the previous episodes in this series.

Setting Up the Game

Part 1: Create the Obstacle Course

  1. Open Roblox Studio and create a new baseplate or choose a custom terrain for your obby game.

  2. Insert various parts (such as blocks, platforms, or obstacles) to create the course. Customize the parts' size, color, and material to make them visually appealing.

  3. Arrange the parts to form a challenging and engaging obstacle course. Make sure to include jumps, slides, and other challenging elements.

Part 2: Adding Checkpoints

In obby games, it's essential to have checkpoints so that players don't have to start from the beginning if they fail an obstacle. Here's how you can set up checkpoints:

  1. Insert a new part (e.g., a flag) at each checkpoint location in your course.

  2. Rename the parts with unique names like "Checkpoint1," "Checkpoint2," and so on.

Part 3: Player Spawn Location

You'll need a designated spawn location for players to start the game or respawn after falling. Here's how to set it up:

  1. Insert a spawn location part (e.g., a spawn pad) near the beginning of your obstacle course.

  2. Rename the part to "SpawnLocation."

Part 4: Finish Line

To mark the end of the obby course, create a finish line:

  1. Insert a part at the final obstacle or destination.

  2. Rename the part to "FinishLine."

Now that you have the basic setup for your obby game, let's script the gameplay.

Scripting the Obby Game

Player Initialization

Create a script named "ObbyGame" and insert it into the workspace. This script will handle player initialization, checkpoints, and victory conditions.

-- Variables
local spawnLocation = workspace:FindFirstChild("SpawnLocation")
local checkpoints = workspace:FindPartsInRegion3(workspace:WaitForChild("Checkpoints").CFrame, nil, math.huge)
local finishLine = workspace:FindFirstChild("FinishLine")

-- Function to teleport players to the spawn location
local function teleportToSpawn(player)
    local character = player.Character
    if character and spawnLocation then

-- Function to handle checkpoints
local function handleCheckpoint(player, part)
    if part:IsA("Part") then
        -- Check if the part is a checkpoint
        local checkpointNumber = tonumber(part.Name:match("%d+"))
        if checkpointNumber then
            -- Player reached a checkpoint
            print(player.Name .. " reached checkpoint " .. checkpointNumber)
        elseif part == finishLine then
            -- Player reached the finish line
            print(player.Name .. " reached the finish line!")
            -- You can add more actions here for the player's victory

-- Connect player join and leave events
    -- Cleanup when a player leaves
    -- (e.g., reset checkpoints and progress)

-- Connect checkpoint event
for _, part in pairs(checkpoints) do
        local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(otherPart.Parent)
        if player then
            handleCheckpoint(player, part)

In this script:

Testing Your Obby Game

  1. Publish your obby game to the Roblox platform.
  2. Invite friends or other players to test your game.
  3. Play through the obstacle course, reach checkpoints, and aim to cross the finish line.


In this episode, you've learned how to create a basic obby (parkour) game in Roblox. Obby games are highly customizable and can include various challenging obstacles and checkpoints. You can expand on this foundation to create more complex and exciting obby experiences.

Stay tuned for future episodes, where we'll continue to explore advanced scripting techniques and game development strategies. Happy scripting and game development!

Tutorial created by ReauofinveFb

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