Alright have you seen a script thats just so long due to a single function thats done repeating the same thing?
Then loops the savior of space and time!
Get a simple While Do Loop going!
while true do
Congrats! You just made a crashing mess! Of course im kidding its very easy to fix. Allow the script to wait 1
nano second.
while true do
Sorry if you dont get the bad joke.
So how do we stop the loop?
The bad joke has the thing you need to do. [BREAK]ING THE LOOP
while true do
More bad jokes and your not stoping me!
However go back to the reapting the same thing over and over example we need a new loop! A for do loop!
Bad name but useful!
The concept is hard so im going to make it easy
___ i = 0, 10 __
for i = 0, 10 do
Lets say your building a timer. Its pretty simple to make you just need to add one more , and a negative number
Lets say 1 so how would you do it?
for i = 0, 10, -1 do
You have done it! Sorry if im bad at spelling. Im not from the USA, UK or some other country that speaks
english. Mess around try to break stuff! Make a useful discovery! And THE END