Basics of Making a Soccer Ball/Football

Making a kickable ball in Roblox.

by kenny_again

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To make a soccer ball/football that kicks to the direction your camera is pointing, you will need to do the following:

Create a new experience and insert a ball model into the workspace.

Add a script to the soccer ball that will control its movement.

Inside the script, use the Camera object's CFrame property to get the direction that the camera is facing.

Use the BodyForce function on the ball's Body object to apply a force to the ball in the direction that the camera is facing.

Test the game to ensure that the ball moves in the direction that the camera is pointing.

Here is some example code that demonstrates how to do this:

local soccerBall = script.Parent

function onTouched(hit)
  local cameraCF = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame
  local forceDirection = cameraCF.LookVector * 100


This code will cause the ball to move in the direction that the camera is pointing whenever the ball is touched. You can adjust the strength of the force applied to the ball by changing the value of the forceDirection variable.

Adding a 'Power Bar'

Create a GUI object, such as a TextLabel or ImageLabel, that will be used to display the power bar.

Add a script to the GUI object that will update the power bar's appearance based on the player's input.

Use the Mouse object's Button1Down and Button1Up events to detect when the player starts and stops charging the kick.

While the player is charging the kick, use the tick event to update the power bar's appearance based on the amount of time that has passed. You can use the math.min function to clamp the value between a minimum and maximum value, so that the power bar does not exceed a certain size.

When the player releases the mouse button, use the power bar's value to determine the strength of the kick applied to the ball.

Here is some example code that demonstrates how to do this:

local soccerBall = script.Parent.Parent.SoccerBall
local powerBar = script.Parent

local charging = false
local chargeTime = 0
local maxChargeTime = 2

function onTouched(hit)
  if charging then
    local force = powerBar.Size.X.Offset / 100 * 100
    local cameraCF = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame
    local forceDirection = cameraCF.LookVector * force
    charging = false
    powerBar:TweenSize(, 0, 0, 24), "Out", "Quad", 0.5, true)


function onButton1Down()
  charging = true

function onButton1Up()
  charging = false
  powerBar:TweenSize(, 0, 0, 24), "Out", "Quad", 0.5, true)


while true do
  if charging then
    chargeTime = chargeTime + 1
    local size = math.min(chargeTime / maxChargeTime, 1) * 100
    powerBar:TweenSize(, size, 0, 24), "Out", "Quad", 0.5, true)

This code will cause the power bar to appear and grow while the player is charging the kick, and will apply a force to the ball when the player releases the mouse button. The strength of the force applied to the ball is determined by the size of the power bar at the time of the kick. You can adjust the max charge time and the strength of the kick by modifying the maxChargeTime and force variables, respectively.

Displaying Who Kicked the Ball Last

Add a new property to the ball's Humanoid object called LastKickedBy, which will store the player who last kicked the ball.

When the ball is kicked, set the LastKickedBy property to the player who kicked it.

To display the name of the player who last kicked the ball, you can use a GUI object, such as a TextLabel, and set its Text property to the value of the LastKickedBy property.

Here is some example code that demonstrates how to do this:

local soccerBall = script.Parent

function onTouched(hit)
  if hit and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
    soccerBall.Humanoid.LastKickedBy = hit.Parent.Name


This code will update the LastKickedBy property of the ball's Humanoid object whenever the ball is touched by a player. To display the name of the player who last kicked the ball, you can use a GUI object and set its Text property to the value of the LastKickedBy property, like this:

local ball = script.Parent.SoccerBall
local label = script.Parent.LastKickedByLabel

function updateLabel()
  label.Text = ball.Humanoid.LastKickedBy



This code will update the LastKickedByLabel object's Text property whenever the LastKickedBy property of the ball's Humanoid object changes. You can place the LastKickedByLabel object wherever you want in the game, and it will display the name of the player who last kicked the ball.

Polishing the Kick

After you have completed all the steps listed above, it is optional for you to polish the game and make it look cleaner. Things you can do to polish the game include;

Making a kicking animation

Adding scripts for stamina and energy

Adding a realistic texture to the ball

Of course, this is optional, and is not required for the scripts to work.

by: kenny_again & the group 'Vestra.'

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