
Tables are omnipresent in Lua(u).

by VoltenNa

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####❖ Prelude This guide assumes you have little knowledge of tables. I highly recommend you thoroughly read the comments in code blocks for in-depth detail.

--[[  Reference Websites:

####❖ Reason to read this tutorial During my self-learning, I read lots of DevForum topics and watched numerous tutorials on YouTube. It's one thing to read and watch, but quite another to fully understand. One of these is tables.

Most of them underplay the role of tables. The overemphasis on theory and little to no coverage of applications irked me. I write this tutorial in part to compensate just that.

####❖ Disclaimer Tables are a complex and multifaceted topic. Take for instance, multi-dimensional array (or matrix) and Serialization. I can't provide examples for them. Furthermore, there are too many applications for tables for me to cover them all.

Moreover, they are objects, stored in specific regions of memory and their references (or pointers) can only be manipulated. They can have multiple references, are created (not declared), and more. They're related to Object-oriented programming, which is a whole new ball game.

Therefore, this tutorial will only cover the main and essential parts.

❖ Theory

####◆ Definition Tables are objects that can store multiple values. They are a collection of data values (i.e.: numbers, strings, boolean, nil, functions, Roblox objects). With that, it opens the door to endless possibilities.

Why are they a big deal? Well, to put it bluntly, it's ubiquitous. It is a must-have. Higher-order scripting makes use of large amounts of data, and that data often exists in the form of tables. It may sound intimidating, especially when you barely know tables. However, once you read the entire guide, I'm confident you find tables indispensable.

####◆ Features

--> Values: number, string, objects, functions
local UserId, PlayerUsername, Players = 1, "Roblox", game:GetService("Players")
local function checkPlayerAmount() 
	print("Number of players in the server: "..#Players:GetPlayers())

--| try print(type()) the values above and check the Output
--> Tables are *constructed* in the form of curly brackets.
local t = {} --> A common reference name for a table.
print(type(t)) --> table

Table is divided into two forms: array and dictionary. Constructing a table is as easy as pie. Read the code blocks below and you'll get the hang of it.

--> Format: local t = {v1, v2, v3, ..., vn}
local appurtenances = {"Real Estate", "Legal", "Household",  "Educational", "Financial"}
Output: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] are indices while "Real Estate", "Legal", "Household", "Educational", and "Financial" are values.
[1] = "Real Estate",
[2] = "Legal",
[3] = "Household",
[4] = "Educational",
[5] = "Financial"
--[[ Format:
local t = { --> Comma or semicolon to seperate each pair key-value.
	["k"] = v;
--| String key ["k"]
	k = v; --| Key k
	[p] = j; --| Variable value [p]
local t = {["k"] = v, k = v, [p] = j} --> Format can be like array.
local timeline = { --> Numeric key [n]
	[2020] = "Introduction of Universal Windows Platform (UWP) Support, Roblox Education";
	[2021] = "Roblox IPO, Roblox Studio Improvements:";
	[2022] = "Introduction of Roblox Cloud, Advanced Scripting Capabilities";
	[2023] = "Roblox Metaverse Expansion, Enhanced Graphics and Rendering"
--> Output: [2020], [2021], [2022], [2023] are keys while the strings are values.

--| Creating an associative array using the values from earlier; string key ["k"]
local PlayerInfo = {["UserId"] = UserId, ["PlayerUsername"] = PlayerUsername, ["Players"] = Players, ["checkPlayerAmount"] = checkPlayerAmount}
print(PlayerInfo) --[[ Output: sorts the keys by alphabetical order.
["PlayerUsername"] = "Roblox",
["Players"] = Players,
["UserId"] = 1,
["checkPlayerAmount"] = "function"

####◆ Manipulation Table's values can be modified, just like variables with operators for numbers and properties for Roblox objects.

--[[ Get:
Array: t[i]
Dictionary: t["k"] or t.k
In Lua(u), index starts at 1, unlike most programming languages which start at 0.
print(appurtenances[2]) --> array with index
print(timeline[2023]) --> associative array with numeric key
print(PlayerInfo.checkPlayerAmount) --> function: [adress]
print(PlayerInfo.checkPlayerAmount()) --> Number of players in the server: number

--[[ Modify:
Array: t[i] = v
Dictionary: t["k"] = v or t.k = v
appurtenances[1] = "Gardening"

--[[ Add:
table.insert(t, v) or table.insert(t, i, v) and t[#t + 1]
Functions from the table library. More on that later on.
table.insert(PlayerInfo, 1000) --> table.insert(array, value); dictionary would work but value would be assigned with an index.
print(PlayerInfo) --[[ Output:
[1] = 1000,
["PlayerUsername"] = "Roblox",
["Players"] = Players,
["UserId"] = 1,
["checkPlayerAmount"] = "function"

--[[ Remove:
table.remove(t, v) and t["k"] = nil or t.k = nil
Again, more on that later on.
table.remove(PlayerInfo, 1) --> table.remove(array, index); table.remove(PlayerInfo, 2) doesn't work since there's no index 2 in dictionary PlayerInfo.
print(PlayerInfo) --[[ Output:
["PlayerUsername"] = "Roblox",
["Players"] = Players,
["UserId"] = 1,
["checkPlayerAmount"] = "function"
--[[ Template:

--| Array:
for i, v in t do
	--> Two variables to employ.
	--| You can use if statement, modify value, or whatever you want depending on your project.
	print(i, v)
	-- or --
for i = 1, #t do
	--> If you want to simply loop the table from one to the length of the table, or #t
	print(i, t[i])
	--> t[i] = v as covered before.

--| Dictionary:
for k, v in pairs(t) do
	--| Since dictionary has key and value, for loop statement must be typed with two variables and pairs() or ipairs().
	--| pairs() returns key-value pairs while ipairs() returns index-value pairs:
--| For loops variables can be modifed in any situation, making them flexible.

for _, name in appurtenances do --> I don't need the order, just the name. Underscore does just that.
	if name == "Legal" then
		print("Getting legal advice...")
for year, desc in pairs(timeline) do --> ipairs wouldn't work in this case.
	if year == 2021 then

The table library has inbuilt functions, allowing us to manupulate tables. A lot of these functions aren't important to know anyways. They're only useful for very specfic use cases, which I won't delve into that.

Not all table functions work both on array and associative array.


print(table.concat(appurtenances, "; ")) --> Tuc nuoc vo bo; Chi Pheo; Lao Hac; Lang; Chiec luoc nga
print(table.unpack(timeline)) --> for array; unpack(t) = table.unpack(t)
table.clear(PlayerInfo) print(PlayerInfo) --> {}

local leaderboards = { --| array example with table values in which each one store two keys
	{Name = "Builderman", Score = 75},
	{Name = "Stickmasterluke", Score = 90},
	{Name = "Shedletsky", Score = 67},
	{Name = "Berezaa", Score = 49},
	{Name = "Gusmanak", Score = 88}

--> table.insert(array, value) or table.insert(dictionary, {key, value})
table.insert(leaderboards, {Name = "Cindering", Score = 50})

for i, participant in ipairs(leaderboards) do
	if participant.Score < 50 then
		table.remove(leaderboards, i)

table.sort(leaderboards, function(a, b) return a.Score > b.Score end)
--| try print(leaderboards) and check the Output

--> table.find(t, v, i) only works on arrays, etc...

❖ Practice

In Roblox Studio, everything is a table. To remind you, table can store data values. In fact, everything in Roblox Studio is an object.

For example, in a brand new Baseplate experience, workspace is a table.

print(type(workspace)) --> userdata (aka object)
print(type(workspace:GetChildren())) --> table
workspace.Baseplate --> Baseplate is also userdata (which is also an object)
	-- or --
workspace["Baseplate"] --> same as workspace.Baseplate
Baseplate = workspace.Baseplate
Baseplate.Name = "idk" --> Modifying object's property. 
--| You get the idea.

print(game:GetService("Lighting"):GetChildren(), workspace:GetDescendants())
Every parent-child hierarchy is essentially an array, with its values are the children.
GetChildren() enables us to get all the children (or elements) in a table. An object's method.
GetDescendants() gets not just the elements but also the children of those elements.

▼  {
    [1] = Sky,
    [2] = SunRays,
    [3] = Atmosphere,
    [4] = Bloom,
    [5] = DepthOfField
▼  {
    [1] = Camera,
    [2] = Baseplate,
    [3] = Texture,
    [4] = Terrain,
    [5] = SpawnLocation,
    [6] = Decal

The theoretical knowledge aims to explain and lay the foundations of tables, their features, and usages. The following code blocks below bring those features and usages into play. ####◆ Dance Floor:

--| You can also use for loop statements for every KillPart if you want to.
local Tiles = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Tiles"):GetChildren() 

while task.wait(1) do
	for _,Tile in pairs(Tiles) do
		Tile.Color =, math.random(), math.random())
		--> Assigning a variable with math.random() makes it a constant, meaning its value won't change.
		--> Since Dance Floor's tiles are intended to change color every second, I'd rather not use a variable.
--> pairs() is optional for arrays.

####◆ Get Random Item:

local ProximityPrompt ="ProximityPrompt", script.Parent)
ProximityPrompt.Name = "ObtainTool"
ProximityPrompt.ObjectText = ""
ProximityPrompt.ActionText = ""
ProximityPrompt.KeyboardKeyCode = Enum.KeyCode.E
ProximityPrompt.ClickablePrompt = false
ProximityPrompt.HoldDuration = 1.5
ProximityPrompt.Exclusivity = 1
ProximityPrompt.RequiresLineOfSight = true
ProximityPrompt.MaxActivationDistance = 5

local Items = game:GetService("ServerStorage"):FindFirstChild("Items"):GetChildren()

	for i = 1, #Items do
		Items[math.random(i, #Items)]:Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack
			The script loops through the Items folder and picks a random Item. How come?
			Remember t[i] = v? Well, t[math.random(i, #t)] = random v
			Why random v? Because from index 1 to the last index (which is the length of t or #t), math.random(1, #t) picks a random index, therefore t[math.random(i, #t)] = random v
			And v is just an item in this case, since item is value in table Items
			Essentially, a random item is cloned and then Parented under the Player's Backpack.
		script.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Sound"):Play() --> This is optional.
--> The same method of picking random v also applies for Sky Changer.

####◆ Rotate Model:

local Speed = 1
local Rotation = 1
local Model = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Parts")
local ModelCFrame = Model:GetModelCFrame()
 --> const; assuming model stays in one place

function Rotate(model, paramCFrame)
	local BaseParts = {}
	local function FindBaseParts(array)
		for _, v in pairs(array:GetChildren()) do
			if v:IsA("BasePart") then
				table.insert(BaseParts, v) --> one use case of table.insert()
			FindBaseParts(v) --> getting BasePart descendants in Model

	for _, v in pairs(BaseParts)do 
		v.CFrame = paramCFrame * ModelCFrame:ToObjectSpace(v.CFrame) --> actually rotating the model

while task.wait() do
	Rotation += (Speed/5)
	if Rotation > 360 then Rotation = 0 end
	Rotate(Model, ModelCFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(Rotation), 0))

####◆ Data Storage / Saving Data:

DataStoreService is by far and away the simplest example and official way of saving data.
There are also DataStore2, ProfileService, and Suphi's DataStore Module, which are far superior to it. 
Besides those are Object Storage and Inventory System.
Each of them are a topic of their own. Look up on the DevForum or YouTube to know more.
This code block is a demonstration of how data storage works.

Adapted from GnomeCode's "Save Player Data with Roblox Datastores":
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local Database = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("PlayerData")
local SessionData = {} --> t; stores PlayerData while on session, aka playing.

--> Retrieving PlayerData from Database.
	local leaderstats ="Folder", Player)
	leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
	local Coins ="IntValue", leaderstats)
	Coins.Name = "Coins"
	local Success, PlayerData
	local Attempt = 1
		Success, PlayerData = pcall(function() --> Database:GetAsync(k) = p
			return Database:GetAsync(Player.UserId)
		Attempt += 1
	until Success or Attempt == 5
	if Success then
		if not PlayerData then --> Newbie, hence no pre-exisiting data to retrieve. Therefore, assign a default value.
			PlayerData = { --> p; self-explanatory.
				["Coins"] = 0; --> j
		SessionData[Player.UserId] = PlayerData --> t[k] = p
		Player:Kick("Your data couldn't be loaded.")
	Coins.Value = SessionData[Player.UserId].Coins --> IntValue.Value = t[k].j; updating PlayerData based on Database.
	Coins.Changed:Connect(function() --> When Int.Value changes, t[k].j updates.
		SessionData[Player.UserId].Coins = Coins.Value

--> Saving PlayerData to Database.
function PlayerRemoving(Player)
	if SessionData[Player.UserId] then --> If t[k] then Database:SetAsync(k, t[k]) end
		local Success, ErrorMessage
		local Attempt = 1
			Success, ErrorMessage = pcall(function()
				Database:SetAsync(Player.UserId, SessionData[Player.UserId])
			Attempt += 1
		until Success or Attempt == 5


--> Saving all Players' PlayerData to Database when server shuts down.
	if game:GetService("RunService"):IsStudio() then 
		return --> When test playing in Studio.
	for _, Player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do

####◆ Configuaration Settings: ◇ One example is HD Admin. If you've ever used it before, you most likely have opened Settings to configure admin powers. ◇ Another one is Warbound. By opening Resource → SettingsModule → ClientConfig or ServerConfig, you can adjust the weapon's settings or animation. ◇ ...

This leads us to ModuleScript. Besides Scripts and LocalScripts, tables are mostly used in it. In fact, ModuleScripts are another representation of tables, called packages or libraries. If you insert a new one and open it, you'll be greeted by:

local module = {}

return module

In practically every high-level programming languages, you need libraries. They make them useful and applicable.

We can program bespoke libraries tailored for our desired needs, whether making a game or a Community Resource on the DevForum. e.g: DataStore2, Roblox Weapons Kit, Satchel, TopbarPlus, etc...

There're heaps of ModuleScript tutorials and examples and they're all varying. More on that at the end. Speaking of libraries, check out Roblox Engine Libraries: ⇒ ####◆ and so on...

####❖ Conclusion Tables are omnipresent in Lua(u). It is an integral part of it, simple yet so powerful. I hope my code blocks have made you guys realize the true potential of tables and help gain know-how.

Learning it is a stepping stone. But to make the most out of it, you must not only know all the nitty-gritty details of it but apply it to pratical usages in Roblox Studio as well, aka making a full-fledge experience.

If you have any suggestion or feedback, comment down below. 💖 I'm sincerely sorry if some parts aren't well defined. If you need futher explanation, just comment and I'll try my best to help out. 💝

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