String Manipulation

Learn how to manipulate strings!

by xJDiviisionZ

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This operator allows you to get the byte value of a character. For example, the letter A has a byte value of 97.

If I was to use this function, it would look like this:


This would then return:

=> 97


On the other hand, we have string.char()! This is the exact opposite of string.byte(). If I were to input an integer value, I would get a character returned (provided the integer was valid):


This would then return:

=> 'a'


If you have a string and you are looking to find if the string contains a set of characters - in order - then you can use this to do so. Using this function looks like this:

string.find('asd2383t98wertodfcvjbxcv', '383')

In this case, it would return:

=> 7 -- Because that is where the '383' string ends in the first parameter


Now this one is a little bit harder to wrap your head around as you can have many different operators. However, I will show you the simplest way to use it. Using the function:

string.format('Hi my name is %s and I like %s', 'Jordan', 'pineapples')

This would then return:

=> 'Hi my name is Jordan and I like pineapples'


Simply put, this returns the length of a string. To use it, I simply write:


Which will return:

=> 3


In basic terms, this converts the whole string to lowercase characters. To use it, I would write:

string.lower('HeLlO MY NAME is JoRdaN')

Which will return:

=> 'hello my name is jordan'


As you can probably guess, it's the opposite of string.lower()! To use this function, I write:

string.upper('hello my name is jordan')

And I will get:



[1]: I noticed a comment asking what string.sub() is. Here is how you use it:

Say we had stored a value in a table. Perhaps it was a requirement before you could buy something from the shop; you could store this as ("<material>-<quantity>"). For example:

local requirements = {
["1"] = ("coal-5")

If we were to use a for loop to get each requirement (perhaps, a later tutorial), we could use 3 string functions to separate this value down. Running this code:


would return

=> "coal-5"

However, we can't do much with this, so we need to break it down into the material and quantity. We can do this to find the seperator (in this case, -):

local seperator = string.find(requirements["1"], "-")

Now, we need to break down the 2 parts of the string. This is where string.len() and string.sub() come in handy.

local material = string.sub(requirements["1"], 1, (seperator-1))
local quantity = tonumber(string.sub(requirements["1"], (seperator+1), string.len(requirements["1"]))

To explain it a little easier:

Strings can be broken down into "index", meaning each character has a value in the string. 1st character is 1, 2nd character is 2 and so on..



can be broken down into

string.sub(string, from, to)

What this means is that, it will return the characters between (and including) from and to.

string.sub("Hello", 1, 3)


=> "Hel"

string.sub() can be a little harder to grasp compared to the others so please spend some time with it if you need to.

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