Lua Scripting Tutorial - 10

Roblox Lua Scripting Tutorial - Episode 10: Data Storage and Game Saving

by ReauofinveFb

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Roblox Lua Scripting Tutorial - Episode 10: Data Storage and Game Saving

Welcome to the tenth episode of our Roblox Lua scripting tutorial series! In this episode, we'll explore data storage and game saving techniques to persist player progress and data between game sessions.


Before we begin, make sure you've completed the previous episodes and have a good understanding of scripting in Roblox Lua.

Data Storage Options

Roblox offers several options for storing and retrieving player data, each with its own use case:

  1. Player Datastore: A per-player data store that allows you to save and load data specific to each player. This is suitable for saving individual player progress and preferences.

  2. Data Store: A global data store that allows you to store and retrieve data shared among all players. You can use this for global game data such as leaderboards or events.

  3. Player Stats: Roblox provides a Stats service to store player statistics like kills, deaths, and other in-game metrics.

In this tutorial, we'll focus on Player Datastore for individual player data storage.

Player Datastore

Storing Data

To store data for individual players, use the Player Datastore:

local function savePlayerData(player)
    local playerKey = "PlayerData_" .. player.UserId
    local playerDataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("PlayerDataStore")
    -- Create a data structure to save
    local dataToSave = {
        Score = player.leaderstats.Score.Value,
        Coins = player.coins.Value,
        -- Add other player-specific data here
    local success, errorMsg = pcall(function()
        playerDataStore:SetAsync(playerKey, dataToSave)
    if success then
        print("Player data saved for " .. player.Name)
        warn("Error saving player data: " .. errorMsg)

In this script, we create a function savePlayerData to save player-specific data such as score and coins to the Player Datastore.

Loading Data

To load player data when they join the game:

local function loadPlayerData(player)
    local playerKey = "PlayerData_" .. player.UserId
    local playerDataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("PlayerDataStore")
    local success, playerData = pcall(function()
        return playerDataStore:GetAsync(playerKey)
    if success then
        if playerData then
            -- Restore player data
            player.leaderstats.Score.Value = playerData.Score
            player.coins.Value = playerData.Coins
            -- Restore other player-specific data here
            -- Initialize new players with default data
            player.leaderstats.Score.Value = 0
            player.coins.Value = 0
            -- Initialize other player-specific data here
        warn("Error loading player data for " .. player.Name)


In this script, we create a function loadPlayerData to load the player's data from the Player Datastore. If the data exists, we restore it; otherwise, we initialize default values.

Autosaving Data

To automatically save player data, you can periodically call savePlayerData using a timer:

local SAVE_INTERVAL = 300 -- Save data every 5 minutes

        if property == "Parent" and not player:IsDescendantOf(game) then

while true do
    for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do

In this script, we use a timer to periodically save player data every 5 minutes and also save data when a player leaves the game.


In this episode, you've learned how to use the Player Datastore to store and retrieve individual player data, allowing you to save and load player progress and preferences between game sessions.

Data storage is crucial for creating immersive and persistent Roblox games, and it enables players to continue their adventures each time they return.

Stay tuned for future episodes, where we'll explore more advanced scripting techniques and game development strategies. Happy scripting and game development!

Tutorial created by ReauofinveFb

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